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  1. C

    A full quadrilateral mesh generation method based on the Q-Morph algorithm

    This is not a question post, and this is the first one of a series of posts. I just want to share how to generate a fully quad mesh based on the Q-Morph algorithm. The main theory is based on the following two papers: Owen, S. J., Staten, M. L., Canann, S. A., & Saigal, S. (1999). Q-Morph: An...
  2. C

    Title: What is the difference between "GeomFill_BSplineCurves" and "GeomFill_ConstrainedFilling" in OpenCASCADE?

    Hi everyone, I'm currently working with b-spline surfaces in OpenCASCADE, and I noticed that both "GeomFill_BSplineCurves" and "GeomFill_ConstrainedFilling" can be used to generate b-spline surfaces by passing in three or four b-spline curves. However, I'm curious if there are any differences...