Segmentation fault (core dumped) when using WriteStepWithMeta() function from Lesson 15


Looking around for some CAD
Edit: This post is not up to date. The updated questions can be found here:’-does-not-name-a-type.258/


I am a beginner to OCCT and programming in general and I am trying to write a cpp script that reads a STEP file, splits off a part from the model and writes two step files. One for the split off part and one for the rest of the model. Your Youtube tutorials have been very helpful for that and I am using the WriteStepWithMeta() function from Lesson 15 and the ReadStepWithMeta() function from Lesson 12.

My program looks similar to the following:

int main(){

    // Read Step file
    Handle(TDocStd_Document) doc = ::ReadStepWithMeta("../cad/excavator.STEP");

    // Get XDE tools
    Handle(XCAFDoc_ShapeTool) ShapeTool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool::ShapeTool(doc->Main());

    // Get root labels (shapes, colors, layers, ...)
    TDF_LabelSequence roots;

    // Get label of part I want to split off (this is a placeholder for illustration purpose)

    TDF_label removeL = getLabelPartX();

    // create new set of document and tool for the part to be split off
    Handle(TDocStd_Application) appSplit = new TDocStd_Application;
    Handle(TDocStd_Document) docSplit;
    appSplit->NewDocument("BinXCAF", docSplit);
    Handle(XCAFDoc_ShapeTool) ShapeToolSplit= XCAFDoc_DocumentTool::ShapeTool( docSplit->Main() );
    // Get shape from label
    TopoDS_Shape shapeSplit = ShapeTool->GetShape(removeL);
    // Add to document

    // remove part from orignal document

    // Write rest parts to Step
    if(!::WriteStepWithMeta(doc, "../solutions/restPart.stp")){
      std::cout << "Failed to write rest part XDE document to a STEp file \n";
      return 1;

    // Write split off part to Step
    if(!::WriteStepWithMeta(docSplit, "../solutions/splitPart.stp")){
      std::cout << "Failed to write split part XDE document to a STEP file \n";
      return 1;

    return 0;


I have also attached the entire script as a file.

I encounter two problems:

-When executing the script I get the following Terminal output:

****** Statistics on Transfer (Write) ******

****** Transfer Mode = 0 I.E. As Is ******
****** Transferring Shape, ShapeType = 0 ******
** WorkSession : Sending all data
Step File Name : ../solutions/restPart.stp(30008 ents) Write Done
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

so the program does not get past the first time WriteStepWithMeta() is called.

My second problem is that although the STEP file is written, it is simply just the original STEP file I read in the first place, without the part being removed. Currently this snippet is for removing the part:

// remove part from orignal document

I assume this doesn't work correctly. How do I do it right?

I am on Ubuntu and using CMake to compile.

Please bear with me if my code is hard to read. As I have mentioned I am a beginner. If I can provide any more information that might be helpful , I am happy to do so.

Thank you for your responses.


  • splitStep copy.txt
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Looking around for some CAD
I have made an updated post to the OpenCascade QnA forum. A moderator can feel free to delete this thread.


Staff member
Did they give you a hint? You may want to post the link to the solution here, for others facing the same or similar problem.


Looking around for some CAD
Ah, my bad. I meant the anaĺysissitus forum still, where you have already responded. I have also posted the same question on the occt forum and will post any updates on either forum.