Merge Lesson 12 (XDE) and Lesson 18 (Qt)


Looking around for some CAD
First thank you for these very interesting Lessons.
Just a request, could you make portable examples with CMAKE configuration files and Qt graphic user interfaces, even for LINUX?
So all these awesome contributions reach a broader audience.:)
May be one day, you published a Lesson about how to use OCC Meshes toolkit...;)
Sinceretly yours


Staff member
Hello @TuxPaulus and welcome to the forum. Thanks for the feedback. The problem with Qt right now is that this lesson has never been published, but we'll have to come back to it in the future. As for CMake and Linux, any contributions are very welcome. The repository with lessons is open to the community, and we would love to see merge requests from people giving them a try. Otherwise, it's a matter of constant time trouble because our team is not that into YouTube and we make our living from industrial CAD software development (therefore, YouTube lessons are more of a hobby project).

Can you please elaborate on what you would like to know about OCC meshes?