How to write 3D annotation information into STEP-file


Looking around for some CAD

I'am tyring to add 3D annotation information to STEP file. Basically I want to add Annotation, that contains points location, orientation and name to vertex or cartesian point. Any Ideas how to achieve this using OCCT?


Looking around for some CAD
Here is what I have tried

TopoDS_Shape box = BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox(10,10,10);
std::shared_ptr<STEPControl_Writer> writer = std::make_shared<STEPControl_Writer>();
Interface_Static::SetCVal("write.step.schema", "AP242DIS");
writer->Transfer(box, STEPControl_AsIs);

Handle(XSControl_WorkSession) ws = writer->WS();
Handle(StepData_StepModel) model = Handle(StepData_StepModel)::DownCast(ws->Model());
Interface_Graph graph = ws->Graph();
Handle(StepRepr_DescriptiveRepresentationItem) descriptiveRepresentationItem = nullptr;

for (int i = 1; i <= model->NbEntities(); i++){
Handle(Standard_Transient) entity = model->Entity(i);
Handle(StepRepr_PropertyDefinition) propertyDefinition = Handle(StepRepr_PropertyDefinition)::DownCast(entity);

Handle(StepRepr_PropertyDefinitionRepresentation) propertyDefinitionRepresentation = nullptr;
Interface_EntityIterator itPDR = graph.Sharings(propertyDefinition);
for (; itPDR.More(); itPDR.Next()){
propertyDefinitionRepresentation = Handle(StepRepr_PropertyDefinitionRepresentation)::DownCast(itPDR.Value());
if (propertyDefinitionRepresentation.IsNull()){
Handle(StepRepr_Representation) repr = propertyDefinitionRepresentation->UsedRepresentation();

Handle(StepRepr_DescriptiveRepresentationItem) descRepr = new StepRepr_DescriptiveRepresentationItem();
descRepr->Init(new TCollection_HAsciiString("equivalent unicode string"), new TCollection_HAsciiString(
"COR\\wCoordinate Note\\nUser Defined\\nUser Defined\\n-\\nx=10\\ny=10\\nz=10"));
GeomToStep_MakeCartesianPoint geomStepMaker(gp_Pnt(-1,-1,-1));
Handle(StepGeom_CartesianPoint) stepGeomTo3D = geomStepMaker.Value();
stepGeomTo3D->SetName(new TCollection_HAsciiString("point"));

Handle(StepRepr_HArray1OfRepresentationItem) CSs = new StepRepr_HArray1OfRepresentationItem(1,2);
CSs->SetValue(1, stepGeomTo3D);
CSs->SetValue(2, descRepr);

Handle(StepGeom_GeometricRepresentationContext)reprContext = new StepGeom_GeometricRepresentationContext();
reprContext->Init(new TCollection_HAsciiString(), new TCollection_HAsciiString(), 3);

Handle(StepRepr_Representation) repr2 = new StepRepr_Representation();
repr2->Init(new TCollection_HAsciiString(), CSs, reprContext);


std::string path = "C:/stp/shape_withCS.stp";
sorry, ":" + "D" is presented as :D and I don't know how to stop this
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Staff member
Here is what I have tried

sorry, ":" + "D" is presented as :D and I don't know how to stop this
Hey TLohi!

Can't say that I'm experienced a lot in STEP translator of OCCT, I've never tried it by myself even (only in very trivial way), but I still prefer to leave a couple of thoughts I have which might be give you more ideas where to go.

You deal with STEPControl_Writer class what means that it's you who will be responsible for proper initialization all required STEP entities, like ANNOTATION_PLACEHOLDER_OCCURRENCE, GEOMETRIC_SET, ANNOTATION_PLANE, TESSELLATED_ANNOTATION_OCCURRENCE and so on, and setting the proper references between them. I don't have a good reason why you might need to mess around such a low level routine, only if you're not a guru of ISO standard of STEP format. Instead, OCCT offers XDE, extended data structure based on OCAF for storing meta data such as colors, layers and PMIs, and STEPCAFControl_Writer that extends basic STEPControl_Writer with possibility to treat the mentioned meta data.

So that, if you still prefer to stick to STEPControl_Writer, you might want to dig into STEPCAFControl_Writer to get an idea what is missed in your piece of code.

If you feel STEPCAFControl_Writer suits you, you'll need to create an XDE document and feed it by shapes and annotations with a help of XCAFDoc_DimTolTool and other related classes of TKXCAF package. As far as I understand, the annotations represent as XCAFDimTolObjects_GeomToleranceObject objects in OCCT. Some insight you can find in Draw commands, see ...\src\XDEDRAW\XDEDRAW_GDTs.cxx.


Looking around for some CAD
Hey TLohi!

Can't say that I'm experienced a lot in STEP translator of OCCT, I've never tried it by myself even (only in very trivial way), but I still prefer to leave a couple of thoughts I have which might be give you more ideas where to go.

You deal with STEPControl_Writer class what means that it's you who will be responsible for proper initialization all required STEP entities, like ANNOTATION_PLACEHOLDER_OCCURRENCE, GEOMETRIC_SET, ANNOTATION_PLANE, TESSELLATED_ANNOTATION_OCCURRENCE and so on, and setting the proper references between them. I don't have a good reason why you might need to mess around such a low level routine, only if you're not a guru of ISO standard of STEP format. Instead, OCCT offers XDE, extended data structure based on OCAF for storing meta data such as colors, layers and PMIs, and STEPCAFControl_Writer that extends basic STEPControl_Writer with possibility to treat the mentioned meta data.

So that, if you still prefer to stick to STEPControl_Writer, you might want to dig into STEPCAFControl_Writer to get an idea what is missed in your piece of code.

If you feel STEPCAFControl_Writer suits you, you'll need to create an XDE document and feed it by shapes and annotations with a help of XCAFDoc_DimTolTool and other related classes of TKXCAF package. As far as I understand, the annotations represent as XCAFDimTolObjects_GeomToleranceObject objects in OCCT. Some insight you can find in Draw commands, see ...\src\XDEDRAW\XDEDRAW_GDTs.cxx.
Thanks for help.

Yeah, dealing with low level STEP stuff is hard.
Actually I tried doing annotations with StepCAFControl_Writer and XCAF but I haven't had any success so far. Maybe I should do deeper dive into TKXCAF package.