How to reverse the TopoDS_Edge, the TopoDS_Edge. Reversed() seems don't work.


CAD community veteran
Hi Bros, I'm JianBaoxia.
I try to connect some edges to become a closed wire today.
I use "ShapeAnalysis_WireOrder" to sort the edges, and some edges should be reversed.
The edges are "TopoDS_Edge", so I use the TopoDS_Edge.Reversed().
However, it seems something beyond my expection.
The Orientation of edge had reversed, but the firstVertex and lastVertex didn't change.

After I sort the edges and reverse the edges need to reverse, I use the "ShapeAnalysis_WireOrder" to test it again,
and it remind me the edges need to be reversed didn't be reversed. And I faild in build the TopoDS_Wire through "BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire".

I'am confusing about this, hope for you suggesstions.
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CAD community veteran
I use "ShapeAnalysis_WireOrder" to sort the edges, and some edges should be reversed.
The edges are "TopoDS_Edge", so I use the TopoDS_Edge.Reversed().
However, it seems something beyond my expection.
TopoDS_Shape::Reversed() is a const function and returns a copy. Did you mean to call Reverse() instead?. If you would post some code, the people trying to help won't have to guess.


CAD community veteran
@blobfish I'm sorry for my careless. I try to write a Demo in the first when I saw your reply.
I was thought I make the wire failed bucause the orientation of the edge, and the gap between edges.
However, after I run the demo, the truth seems beyond my expectation. I'm wrong, and I must failed cause other bug, and I'll keep try.
Even so, I still decide to give the demo out of respect for all of you, althought it's not the real problem to make me failed.
bool WriteStepFile(const TopoDS_Shape& shape, const std::string filepath)
    bool output_flag = true;
    STEPControl_Writer writer;
    Interface_Static::SetCVal("write.step.schema", "AP203");
    IFSelect_ReturnStatus status = writer.Transfer(shape, STEPControl_AsIs);
    if (status != IFSelect_RetDone) output_flag = false;
    status = writer.Write(filepath.c_str());
    if (status != IFSelect_RetDone) output_flag = false;

    return output_flag;
int main()
    std::string filePath = "C:/Users/14656/Desktop/Program/Open Cascade/Demo/";

    gp_Pnt p1(0, 0, 1.e-4);
    gp_Pnt p2(1.0001, 0, 0);
    gp_Pnt p3(1, 1.0001, 0);
    gp_Pnt p4(0, 1, 0);

    TopoDS_Edge e1 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(p1, p2);
    TopoDS_Edge e2 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(p3, p2);
    TopoDS_Edge e3 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(p3, p4);
    TopoDS_Edge e4 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(p4, p1);

    BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire mkWier;
    TopoDS_Wire w = mkWier.Wire();

    WriteStepFile(w, filePath + "wire.step");

    return 0;

There is my model, I try to connected it to a TopoDS_Wire, and I'll give another Demo to describe my problem soon.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generosity and help.


  • edgesSewShape.step
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CAD community veteran
@blobfish The model was build with some edges through the "BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing", I try to connect these edges to TopoDS_Wire, if just add the TopoDS_Edge to BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire object simply, it will failed, like this:
int main()
    std::string edgesFilePath = "C:/Users/14656/Desktop/Program/Open Cascade/Slicer/edgesSewShape.step";
    std::string filePath = "C:/Users/14656/Desktop/Program/Open Cascade/Slicer/";

    TopoDS_Shape modelShape = ReadStepFile(edgesFilePath);

    BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire mkWier;
    for (TopExp_Explorer exp(modelShape, TopAbs_EDGE); exp.More(); exp.Next())
        TopoDS_Edge e = TopoDS::Edge(exp.Current());

    TopoDS_Wire aWire = mkWier.Wire();


    return 0;

So I try to use the "ShapeAnalysis_WireOrder" to sort these edges first, like this:
int main()
    std::string edgesFilePath = "C:/Users/14656/Desktop/Program/Open Cascade/Demo/edgesSewShape.step";
    std::string filePath = "C:/Users/14656/Desktop/Program/Open Cascade/Demo/";

    TopoDS_Shape modelShape = ReadStepFile(edgesFilePath);

    std::vector<TopoDS_Edge> edgeList;                                // store edges in the model,just for sort
    ShapeAnalysis_WireOrder sawo(Standard_True, Precision::Confusion());
    for (TopExp_Explorer exp(modelShape, TopAbs_EDGE); exp.More(); exp.Next())
        TopoDS_Edge e = TopoDS::Edge(exp.Current());

        TopoDS_Vertex firstVer = TopExp::FirstVertex(e);
        TopoDS_Vertex lastVer = TopExp::LastVertex(e);
        gp_Pnt startPoint = BRep_Tool::Pnt(firstVer);
        gp_Pnt endPoint = BRep_Tool::Pnt(lastVer);
        gp_XYZ startXYZ(startPoint.X(), startPoint.Y(), startPoint.Z());
        gp_XYZ endXYZ(endPoint.X(), endPoint.Y(), endPoint.Z());
        sawo.Add(startXYZ, endXYZ);
    if (sawo.IsDone())    std::cout << "sort edges finish!" << std::endl;
    else std::cout << "the error is :" << sawo.Status() << std::endl;

    TopoDS_Edge* edgeSortList = new TopoDS_Edge[edgeList.size()];    // store edges with order,just for buile a wire
    for (int i = 0; i < edgeList.size(); i++)
        Standard_Integer order = sawo.Ordered(i + 1);                // OCCT index begin from 1

        TopoDS_Edge e;
        if (order < 0) e = TopoDS::Edge(edgeList[abs(order) - 1].Reversed());    // if the order is negative,the edge need reverse
        else e = TopoDS::Edge(edgeList[abs(order) - 1]);
        edgeSortList[abs(order) - 1] = e;

    //! after sort edges, build wire with BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire
    BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire mkWier;
    for (int i = 0; i < edgeList.size(); i++)

    TopoDS_Wire aWire = mkWier.Wire();    //▲ failed here

    BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing aSewMaker_edgeTest;
    for (int j = 0; j < edgeList.size(); j++)
    TopoDS_Shape edgesSewShape = aSewMaker_edgeTest.SewedShape();
    WriteStepFile(edgesSewShape, filePath + "edgesSewShape.step");

    return 0;


  • edgesSewShape.step
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CAD community veteran
I made notes as I was looking at the code. Don't take what I wrote on faith and don't be offended, if I come across to opinionated.

Why are you writing a step file from opencascade? use opencascades native format '.brep' for exchanging to other occt users.

You should pass the occt allocator to standard containers. std::vector<TopoDS_Edge, NCollection_StdAllocator<TopoDS_Edge>> edgeList;

TopExp::FirstVertex() and TopExp::LastVertex() ignore orientation by default.
I think you should pass Standard_True for second parameter.
see orientation discussion below.

TopoDS_Edge* edgeSortList = new TopoDS_Edge[edgeList.size()];
Where is delete? Memory leak?
Won't this work?
std::vector<TopoDS_Edge, NCollection_StdAllocator<TopoDS_Edge>> edgeSortList(edgeList.size());
//use operator[] like with array
Or TopTools_ListOfShape
Or TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape
Anything but that.

BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire doesn't care about orientation.
So you can ignore orientation until everything else is working.

With all that being said, there might not be anything in your code preventing the creation of the wire.
Referencing my picture below: I can't get anything to 'connect' to the yellow ellipse. Everything
else will 'connect' fine as long as I leave out the yellow ellipse. I can't even connect the yellow
ellipse to either of the white lines in individual operations. I don't know what is going on with
that yellow ellipse, but I am guessing an occt bug?


CAD community veteran
@blobfish Thank you so much for your suggestion, it's helpful.
Actually, I failed because the yellow edge was not connect with other edges.
And forgive my pool code, when I allocate memoty with "new", I still remind myself to use "delete[]", and I forgot it next second. o_O

I just learn C++ and OCCT by myself, so sometime I use it in a strange way, thanks for your suggestion let me learn a lot.