Can Analysis Situs show AAG?


CAD community veteran
Hi Bros! I have show the picture in AAG overview
So I wonder can the Analysis Situs show AAG? I didn't find related command in "show-commands". If it can, show the AAG store as json format?
If it can't, I thought I can try to draw it use OCCT.


CAD community veteran
@Quaoar Thanks Quaoar, it can works. However, I thought I should apologize for not communicating the question clearly.
Actually I extract the AAG succeed with the help of your help. I am very grateful.

After extract the AAG through my code, I try to verify the AAG right or not, I didn't design the function to test. I just extract the AAG of several step models use both Analysis Situs and my code, and compare the json file by my eyes. (I was lazy. It wasn't very rigorous T-T ).

And then, I try to show the AAG, which was extracted by my code, just I thought it looks cool.

The next step, I will try to learn how to do some Feature Recognition works base the AAG. Actually, I'm not familiar with graph theory,and have no ideas how to start.
I will try to start with the bolg of our forum,and search some parpers. It maybe a hard work, however, the feeling of implementing these features step by step excited me. I will still try to work for it, hope we can make progress together.