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  1. R

    A question about using OCC

    Thank you for your reply, I learned a lot, thank you very much
  2. R

    A question about using OCC

    Now there are some new situations. I found that when I construct a TColStd_Array1OfReal in Debug mode, the default element is a small value, such as -6.277e+66; but when I generate the same TColStd_Array1OfReal in Release mode , the default elements are elements from 0 to 1. The following is my...
  3. R

    A question about using OCC

    Okay, now I want to explain this problem in another way. I installed OCC using the windows installer "Open CASCADE Technology installation procedure for Windows" provided on the OCC official website, and then I used VS2022 to build the project. In the project, when I run the program in Debug...
  4. R

    A question about using OCC

    Hello everyone, I recently used the OpenCASCADE library in VS2022. When I linked to the library in Debug form in the project, the program ran normally, but when I linked the library in Release/MT form, some methods reported exceptions. , such as the SetUKnots method of the Geom_BSplineSurface...
  5. R

    Pointcloud to surface question

    My test program is right here: It is a program that comes with opencascade. path is opencascade-7.7.0/samples/mfc/geometry
  6. R

    Pointcloud to surface question

    Hello, everyone. I'm RGW. Recently I've had some problems reconstructing a surface using points. I am using the sample/mfc/Geometry in the opencascade folder for testing. The test results are shown in the figure below. When my point set is close to the origin, the result is better, but when my...
  7. R

    How to get non-hollow stp files?

    Your suggestion is very helpful, thanks a lot!
  8. R

    How to get non-hollow stp files?

    Maybe I can solve the problem. When I set the tolerance of BRepOffsetAPI_Sewing a little larger, such as 1.0, the generated entity is not hollow. Does this mean my shell is not closed? If so, I have no way to detect him
  9. R

    How to get non-hollow stp files?

    My solid is generated from shell. Using BRepBuilderAPI_MakeSolid, it should be a solid instead of a hollow solid under normal circumstances. Does this mean that there is something wrong with my shell? How can I detect and fix it?
  10. R

    How to get non-hollow stp files?

    Hi everyone, I recently had some problems writing a shape of occ to stp file. I have an occ solid shape, and then I use the following code to write it to the stp file. STEPControl_Writer writer; writer.Transfer(my_solid, STEPControl_ManifoldSolidBrep); writer.Write("test_solid_target2.step"); My...
  11. R

    ShapeFix_Face not working

    Here is my demo. #include <fstream> #include <vector> //OpenCascade include #include <TopoDS_Shape.hxx> #include <BRep_Builder.hxx> #include <BRepTools.hxx> #include <ShapeAnalysis.hxx> #include <TopoDS.hxx> #include <TopExp.hxx> #include <BRepBuilderAPI_NurbsConvert.hxx> #include...
  12. R

    ShapeFix_Face not working

    Hi bros, i'm RGW. Recently I ran into another problem when rebuilding surfaces. The basic discussion of the rebuilding surface problem can be found in this question. The problem I have now...
  13. R

    How to get correct stitching results?(BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing program)

    Ok, I understand what you mean. There is indeed a problem with this model. It is indeed partly a closed shell and partly a face. If the model is normal, the result obtained by using BRepOffsetAPI_Sewing is normal. Thank you for your help.
  14. R

    How to get correct stitching results?(BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing program)

    Sorry for not getting back to you in time, can you show me the picture? What I want to do is go through all the surfaces of the model in this file and use those faces to generate a solid version of the model. My idea is to first sew the face together to generate a shell, and then use the shell...
  15. R

    How to get correct stitching results?(BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing program)

    I've tried changing the tolerances, but the results still don't work. My model is as follows, what I want to do is to regenerate a solid using the faces of the model. I hope you can help me, thank you very much.
  16. R

    How to get correct stitching results?(BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing program)

    I can't, can you give me some advice with pictures
  17. R

    How to get correct stitching results?(BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing program)

    Hello everyone, I am rgw. I've recently had some problems building solids out of a set of faces, and by looking at discussions online, I've found that shells constructed from faces and bodies from shells solve my problem. And when I used BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing to sew faces, I encountered some...
  18. R

    Debug and Realease question.

    Hi, i'm RGW. I use OCCT7.6.0 to generate the debug and realease versions of the same program respectively, the debug version can run normally, but the realease version has an error. What is the reason for this problem and how can I fix it? The code I am using is as follows. Thank you for your help.
  19. R

    How to configure multithreading in pmc method?

    I didn't test how much the speedup is, because my code is not strong and I have a lot of other work to be done, but it seems that there should be a speedup
  20. R

    How to configure multithreading in pmc method?

    I Yes, when I use the pmc method, I use #pragma omp critical. In doing so, pmc does not have multithreading in essence.