Running Analysis Situs In Cloud


Looking around for some CAD
I don't have a windows machine, so I'm trying to run Analysis Situs on GCP or AWS. Is there anyone that got the program working over there? What machine specs are recommended? What other installs do I need to do to get it working? If it is possible to install on a mac that would be even better, but I guess that's tricky.

I believe I'm getting stuck because I'm on Windows Server, but maybe there is a way to get it to work. I tried the following:

I'm on a Windows Server box in GCP and installed Analysis Situs. At first the program didn't open at all but I believe installing visual studio c++ helped. I also installed OpenCascade libraries, but not sure if that was necessary.

Now the program opens but I'm hitting the errors in the image below. I then installed MSYS2, and then toolchain freeglut and glew with the following commands in the mysys2 terminal:
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-freeglut
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-glew

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Staff member
Hello @CorgiMan and welcome to the forum. I have never tried running this app on cloud premises, but the error you're getting makes me think it's a video driver issue. Still, you mentioned that you don't have a Windows machine, but have you tried to compile on linux?


Looking around for some CAD
Thanks for the warm welcome. Been enjoying your youtube series, it really helps me and my company in bootstrapping this project.

I'm using a mac, I could try and compile it there, do you think it could work?
I'm new to c++ so it's a bit intimidating building a project like this.


Staff member
Well, in principle, it should be doable, as all the frameworks we use are open-sourced and cross-platform. Then it depends on how much spare time you're willing to invest into such a journey :)

Maybe if you tell us a little bit more about what you're trying to achieve, we can somehow help you. Very likely, you do not need analysis situs as such and are rather willing to use some of its functions?


Looking around for some CAD
From your youtube series I saw you using some hole detection analysis which I also want to implement in a tool we are developing. So i'm going to check out the source code for that. I'm sure there are many other analysis in Analysis Situs that are useful for us as well, so I just want to play around with all the features to see if we need something similar.

I think it's cheapest for us to just find a windows laptop somewhere 😅


Staff member
Windows or Linux. For Linux we had an appimage somewhere, but at least I know it would compile :)