problem using c++17 structured bindings


CAD community veteran
I have this line in my .pro file.

CONFIG += c++1z

so it should pass the c++17 switch to compiler, However, the project is compiled with c++14. I run qmake every time I compile. Qt is 5.9. and qtcreator is 6.0.0 windows 10, compiler is visual studio 2020 community edition.
the error message is this:

\main.cpp:18: error: C2429: language feature 'structured bindings' requires compiler flag '/std:c++17'


Staff member
@karim Do you mean that you set C++17 in qmake's pro file and it happens not to be passed to the compiler? Btw, if you forced C++17 for Analysis Situs, you can relax it back to default (should be fine with C++11) for the current master branch.


CAD community veteran
lately I am not happy with how qtcreator works. I get lots of problems on windows that I did not get when I was working on linux.


CAD community veteran
I recently switched to windows 10. (used to program in linux). Now I have compiled opencascade 7.5.0 and I link it to the program I used to compile and run on linux. I get missing dll errors. some I think has nothing to do with my code and program. Missing avcodec-57.dll, swscale-4.dll, avutil-55.dll.
I dont know how these dlls creep in to my code or opencascade for that matter. My project is similar to occQt by erayer.


CAD community veteran
It seems those dlls are used by TKOpengl. Now I copied the dlls to the executable directory and the progrm runs but no window appears.