How to select the points, lines and surfaces to be used at the same time in the software


CAD practitioner
Hi, I'm having some problems with this, I can only select faces or edges individually, I can't select both at the same time, is there any way to do this?


CAD practitioner
Does the software recognize the parts of an assembly, and if it is an assembly of two parts, does the software have a part selection function to select one of the parts? I want to operate on a separate part.


Staff member
Analysis Situs is designed to work with individual parts, and its capabilities for working with assemblies do not go beyond command-line tools ( Still, you can "Explore..." your active part using the corresponding command from the context menu and visualize the body of interest:


Then set it as an active part:


We, in the team, work with assemblies using the C++ SDK of Analysis Situs, where you do not have any UI limitations. As of now, UI of Analysis Situs leaves a lot to be desired, it's more like an analogue of OpenCascade's DRAW, if you know what I mean.


CAD practitioner
Hi, does this software have a function to select individual parts of an assembly directly like selecting vertices, egdes, faces, etc. I used the “Explore...” function you mentioned, and I feel like it's redrawing a selected part instead of directly selecting a part that already exists in the assembly, which would take up a lot more memory if the assembly is very large, right?


Staff member
Hi, does this software have a function to select individual parts of an assembly directly like selecting vertices, egdes, faces, etc. I used the “Explore...” function you mentioned, and I feel like it's redrawing a selected part instead of directly selecting a part that already exists in the assembly, which would take up a lot more memory if the assembly is very large, right?
Nope, Analysis Situs is a single-part thing. For assemblies, we are working on another software that uses Analysis Situs as an SDK (to take advantage of its XDE bindings), but it's far from completion.