How can BRep binary data be saved to HDF5 format?


Looking around for some CAD
Generally we have several or even tens' parts in a model. If we do not use OCAF, we may need to save each part as a separate BRep binary file, or save the model as a compound which is usually not good when an assembly structure is there. I thought about saving multiple parts into a single HDF5 file may be a choice but did not figure out how to achieve this. Hope to get some teaching in this forum. Thanks a lot!

There is a way to read binary files and convert them into a HDF5. But, is there a way that we can directly save the BRep model data (multiple BRep shapes) in memory into a HDF5 file?

Thanks a lot!


Staff member
Personally, I have no experience with HDF5. But if I was to solve such a problem without OCAF, I would probably go for SQLite database to represent the assembly structure and keep BLOBs for part geometries. Such an approach is used in some successful commercial software to tell the truth.


Looking around for some CAD
Dear Quaoar,

Thanks a lot for the good suggestion! It opened a new window to me! Will take a look to see how to save BRep to Blobs in SQLite.

Best regards,