Compile Analysis Situs as an SDK


Active CAD practitioner
First of all, thank you for your reply. Currently, I am developing a CAM application on Windows using Qt to add Open Cascade, and I found a lot of what I was looking for in the Analysis situs APP. However, I don't know how to integrate analysis scenarios into my application. Or, how to use the profiling sdk, as with open cascading, I haven't found a way to download the profiling sdk. I am a newbie, thank you for your reply.


Staff member
SDK is a mode of Analysis Situs compilation. Take a look here, that would be a minimal version with dlls, libs and headers:

You can then link your project with those libs and run the functionality you want.


Active CAD practitioner
I have Analysis Situs installed on my computer, but I can't find the location of dlls, libs and headers


Staff member
Unfortunately, there is no complete documentation on the SDK right now. But you should not try using the installed version of Analysis Situs as an SDK, it's just the end user's app.

What you'd rather have to do is clone the repo from and then configure it with CMake, more or less as explained here:

If during the configuration process you choose "Algo" as a "distribution type" (see the screenshot above), it will not build the entire app but only the SDK you can link your project against. This would be pretty much like adding a couple of libs more to your OpenCascade library to have feature recognition, etc.

You may want to try out compilation starting from the repo and ask more specific questions as long as they show up in this topic here.