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  1. C

    A full quadrilateral mesh generation method based on the Q-Morph algorithm

    Sorry for the late reply Since I don't know the system you are using and the third-party library version, so the better way is that you can compile the third-party libraries and executables yourself.
  2. C

    A full quadrilateral mesh generation method based on the Q-Morph algorithm

    Hi, synt It finally works. Now, the GTM_Qmorph method can generate a real full quadrilateral mesh. Thank you again.
  3. C

    A full quadrilateral mesh generation method based on the Q-Morph algorithm

    Hi, synt The OpenMesh library is a static library, it has been integrated into the exe file, you need to prepare the .dll files of netgen, opencascade, vtk, tcltk, ffmpeg and freeimage. So far, this code is still just a prototype. It reads brep files and generates vtk files If you want to...
  4. C

    A full quadrilateral mesh generation method based on the Q-Morph algorithm

    here it is, The following problems still exist in this code: Can't control the number of boundary nodes, so there will be at most one triangular element The quality of generated quadrilateral elements is not high enough, and new algorithms should be...
  5. C

    A full quadrilateral mesh generation method based on the Q-Morph algorithm

    I'm not an staff member of Analysis Situs, and I'm not sure if he wants to add this functionality to Analysis Situs. I'm willing to provide the code if he wants to.
  6. C

    A full quadrilateral mesh generation method based on the Q-Morph algorithm

    Hi, synt I have just tested the .msz file to control the boundary node of a geometry surface. It succeeded. Thank you very much, I think I can generate a real full quad mesh by this way. What I need to figure out now is the correspondence between topods_edge and boundary nodes. Thank you again.
  7. C

    A full quadrilateral mesh generation method based on the Q-Morph algorithm

    So, I can specify the location of the boundary node and the connection of the boundary edge through the ".msz" file, then let the netgen library fill the trigulation, right? Can you show me a demo?
  8. C

    A full quadrilateral mesh generation method based on the Q-Morph algorithm

    Is this a file with a .msz extension? Can you tell me what the contents of the file are?
  9. C

    A full quadrilateral mesh generation method based on the Q-Morph algorithm

    Hi, synt I am not sure what do you mean by "Each edge need to be defined in mesh refinement files". Is there any way to control the number of nodes on the edge via mesh refinement files? I'm not familiar with the netgen library, and there aren't many usage examples.
  10. C

    A full quadrilateral mesh generation method based on the Q-Morph algorithm

    Hi, Quaoar Thank you very much, I hope these posts can help anyone who is interested in this topic.
  11. C

    A full quadrilateral mesh generation method based on the Q-Morph algorithm

    Hi, synt As far as I know, netgen does not strictly obey maxh and minh parameters when doing triangulation, and I am not sure whether a triangulation with an even number of boundary nodes can be obtained by setting the maxh parameter. But there are other ways to set the number of nodes...
  12. C

    A full quadrilateral mesh generation method based on the Q-Morph algorithm

    This post is the last one on the full quadrilateral mesh generation method. Today we will discuss the case where the model has multiple surfaces. In the actual mesh generation process, we rarely encounter a situation where we only need to mesh independent faces, and the faces we encounter are...
  13. C

    A full quadrilateral mesh generation method based on the Q-Morph algorithm

    This is the ninth post and the second to last post on full quadrilateral mesh generation algorithms. I would like to discuss the issues left open in the third post. The picture below is also taken from the paper As you can see, for the front edge AB, if CE forms the top edge, the four...
  14. C

    A full quadrilateral mesh generation method based on the Q-Morph algorithm

    Here is the second part of the 8th post in a series of posts on the full quadrilateral mesh generation method. The second function is here. void localAdjustIStyle(PolyMesh& theMesh, vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints>& thePoints, vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData>& thePolyData...
  15. C

    A full quadrilateral mesh generation method based on the Q-Morph algorithm

    Here is the first part of the 8th post in a series of posts on the full quadrilateral mesh generation method. Please look at the picture below. I added two functions to solve the problem 2 mentioned in the first post. The principle is very simple, if you are familiar with openmesh library...
  16. C

    A full quadrilateral mesh generation method based on the Q-Morph algorithm

    This is the seventh in a series of posts on the full quadrilateral mesh generation method. Look at the picture below When the Angle corresponding to the two vertices of edge is too large, following the algorithm in the first paper, a quadrilateral element with a longer opposite side edge will...
  17. C

    A full quadrilateral mesh generation method based on the Q-Morph algorithm

    Below is the sixth post in this series. In the third post we discussed how to keep single connected domain, which is the key to reduce the number of triangular meshes. But what if the initial triangulation result is multiple connected domain? Look at the picture below The image above is a...
  18. C

    A full quadrilateral mesh generation method based on the Q-Morph algorithm

    This is the second part of the fifth post of a series of posts, focusing on the implementation of part of the algorithm presented in the following paper. PolyMesh::VertexHandle getAlignVertex(PolyMesh& theMesh, const PolyMesh::VertexHandle& currentVH, const PolyMesh::VertexHandle&...