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  1. E

    why does GeomFill class break the creation of surface into three procedures?

    To make a Geom_XXSurface using GeomFill_XXX, you need the surface generator, the approximate calculator, and finally the Geom_XXSurface created with calculated parameters. What is the decision and consideration behind breaking surface creation into these three procedures? It makes the program...
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    what is the replacement for Standard_Persistent class?

    I looked over the Foundation Classes and found that Standard_Persistent class is labeled obsolete. So the question is what is the replacement for it? Is it OCAF?
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    is there a way to get back the shape that Graphic3D_Structure is referring to?

    so Prs3d_Presentation is presenting my shape on view, I want to alter the graphic. The way I took is by altering the shape by its dimensions with builder API. To do so I need the shape back from Prs3d_Presentation. How could I do so? Or is there a way to change Graphic3D_Structure directly, not...
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    How do you view the modeling history of a OCC shape?

    In one of the lesson here, you mentioned OCC is originally designed to store entire modeling history of TopoDS_Shape, is there a way to view it?
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    Why does pload VIS give error could not find TKIVtkDraw.dll?

    So I changed the env and lib path of TKIVtk and TKIVtkDraw to compile OCC 7.6 for VTK 9.2.2 version. OCC compiles and testing it with vtk works. However when I wanted to use Draw, it throws the error of not able to find TKIVtkDraw.dll. The dll is well in the bin and bind of opencascade folder...
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    Lesson 2 fails for OCC 7.6.0 with VTK 9.2.2?

    I tried lesson 2 with OCC 7.6.0 and vtk 9.2.2, the newest releases. It crashes at "mapper->SetInputConnection(occSource->GetOutputPort());" saying access violation at vtkInformationVector GetNumerOfInformationObjects() The reason I think maybe because OCC is using vtkCommonCore-6.1.dll...
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    Error running code for Lesson 2?

    I wander if there is a bat file that configs VTK c++ for visual studio 2017.
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    what algorithm is BRepMesh_Delaun using?

    The process seems like it is watson but yet on inspection it is somewhat very different.
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    how to set width/thickness of line/curve?

    I used BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge to create a line shape and would like to set its display thickness? gp_Pnt P1 = myStartPoint->Pnt(); gp_Pnt P2 = myEndPoint->Pnt(); Handle(Geom_Line) myComponent = new Geom_Line(P1, gp_Dir(P2.XYZ() - P1.XYZ())); Standard_Real dist =...
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    how to auto link to OCC external dlls for personal OCC projects in visual studio?

    I involve OCC libraries with my executable. I have added the lib libd and inc directory and set the Environment PATH shown below, according to OCC Installation and Build instructions. The problem is while it compiles, the exe keep popping occ external dlls not found such as FreeImage.dll and...
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    Select3D_SensitiveWire don't work?

    So for my custom AIS_Shape, my overridden Compute is just a simple TopoDS_Wire. In my overridden ComputeSelection I try to add sensitive entity for the wire so that it will be selectable. this is what I did: void MyAisLine::ComputeSelection(const Handle(SelectMgr_Selection)& theSel, const...
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    what are states to save for undo/redo operation?

    I want to create a demo for redo/undo operation with OCC, are there any suggestions on the states to save?
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    how to save and load everything in view and to view?

    I have a view that contains a lot of AIS_objects I created, I would like to save it all and load it all in and to view?
  14. E

    EntityOwner is moving at different pace than AIS_Object when dragged?

    I call UpdateTransformation() to set the global position of the object after drag within the overridden ProcessDragging(), but strange is that its attached EntityOwner seems to move at different pace than the AIS_Object. Standard_Boolean BIM_InteractiveObject::ProcessDragging(const...
  15. E

    InteractiveObject starts from former position when dragged?

    What I did is creating a InteractiveObject class, the BIM_InteractiveObject, inhereting AIS_Shape. I override the virtual method ProcessDragging(...) to enable mouse dragging object interaction. The interaction is done by setting the local transformation of the selected BIM_InteractiveObject...
  16. E

    How do you get the TopoDS_Shape back from MyAisObject in the OCC example?

    According to the OCC example here, MyAisObject is a inherent class of AIS_InteractiveObject. What I am trying to do is get the TopoDS_Shape from a MyAisObject class object, which should be the same as the one made in Compute() member function of MyAisObject class. Now, I cannot directly...